Thursday, April 14, 2016

Why Are Americans Buying So Many Guns?

Why Are Americans Buying So Many Guns?

'The Boss' Praised by Men Who Think They Are Women - Crisis Magazine

'The Boss' Praised by Men Who Think They Are Women - Crisis Magazine: As everyone in America knows by now, the old rocker Bruce Springsteen has canceled a concert in North Carolina, because the state passed a law preserving the status quo ante as of ten seconds ago, which is that men empty their bowels in the men’s room and not in the ladies’ room. It should be …

The Libertarian Catholic* pointed out on Facebook that there is great irony in Bruce Springsteen's hypocritical stance in the North Carolina homosexual laws debate: "I’m not going to do business with you because of my deeply-held personal belief that you need to do business with people despite your deeply-held personal beliefs." ‪#‎hypocrisy‬ ‪#‎libertarian‬ ‪#‎Catholic‬ ‪#‎religiousFreedom‬


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Whole Gay Rights Versus Gay Restrictions is a Political Game

The crisis concerning the issue of homosexuals not getting treated fairly by businesses is another political correct battle being fought to level our culture and remove our values. Liberal, progressive leftists do not want America or the world to have values. This is a war, a cultural struggle.

Does anyone really believe that business care if they are serving a homosexual customer or client? If a transgendered person has had a sex change or is well costumed, will anyone know that he or she are not what they were born as in the privacy of their own bathroom stall. Bisexuals of course are another issue.

The point is that this is the Confederate flag all over again. The left wants you to conform. North Carolina and other states will cave in on the issue and repeal their laws because they have no backbone in the face of boycotts. Probably, if they were patient, conservative companies will bring business their way. Beretta moved to Tennessee from Maryland to escape that liberal state.

There are two separate battles in this present campaign in the culture war. The bathroom is generally a false issue, and people, in most cases should go to the bathroom of their obvious birth gender. Perhaps a third bathroom needs to be available for adults who are transgendered in the more fluid bisexual way. That should only require a few extra bathrooms in public buildings, in spite of the attempt to convince us that this is more broadly normal.

Secondly, a homosexual or otherwise gender 'different' person need not go into a business and announce, "I'm gay; now serve me." [that didn't come out right, but you get the idea.]

Business owners do not care until your demand affects the practice of their religious faith life. So a bakery might not mind making a cake, even a wedding cake. He or she might rather not know he is making it for a homosexual marriage. Don't tell him. If the cake has homsexually suggestive art, such as two men or two women kissing, that would offend his religious beliefs and sensitivities. Find a gay baker or one who doesn't mind. Christians have no problem in their business life in serving a client or customer who might be homosexual. They just do not want to serve the homosexuallity. They don't want to photograph the happy couple being affectionate or in the wedding, or serve the wedding, or bake 'that' cake. Their religious beliefs come first in their lives and they should.

Of course ministers of churches cannot be forced legally to marry anyone within the boundaries of their faith that they do not deem eligible or worthy in  religious sense. That is non-negotiable.

But as to the business world, no one is telling anyone that they will not serve homosexuals. They are saying o those gay customers: Do not come into my business and demand that my company meet your demands in a blatant act, such as a gay wedding, that is offensive to my religious faith.

Study Shows Many UK Muslims Hold Extremist, Anti-Semitic Views

Study Shows Many UK Muslims Hold Extremist, Anti-Semitic Views

Why True Christians will Never Accept Homosexual Behavior as Moral

This article/essay will not display properly on my blog at Blogger.
Please read it on my other Blog at_

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Jets' Ferguson makes retirement official in letter to fans

Jets' Ferguson makes retirement official in letter to fans: NEW YORK (AP) — D'Brickashaw Ferguson played 10 rugged seasons in the NFL, never missed a snap

IT'S NOT ALWAYS JUST A CAKE . . . Economic Blackmail Must Not Mold Our Culture

I am not against Boycotts. I am against the Conservative Wimps who cave in to Liberal Boycotting.

Because of the pressure from gay rights advocates (including the Federal Government), large businesses have threatened to not do business within states that try to protect the religious rights of small and large businesses people who fear they will have to break their own moral standards.

It isn't always a simple cake or photograph. I had a small business next to a custom bakery. They were somewhat known for their risque cakes, and they used to have us come over to see the results of some of their orders (even for straight people). I would not have baked those cakes. I am an artist as well as a writer. I am quite sure that I will not paint some of the portraits or custom paintings a gay person or couple, a Satanist, or many other types of people would ask me to paint. Luckily I currently do no custom paintings; and, if I ever do, I will advertise that I am a painter of orthodox oriented Christian oriented art. You can't force a blacksmith to groom your horse or a Jazz band to play in a classical concert. I've written a poem or two for others as well. That will never be a future business service of mine without the orthodox label.

I have never shied away from the boycott of something or someone I did not respect. I'm not telling people to stop boycotting as political tool. I am telling Conservatives to stand up to it when it is a weapon against our values. Conservatives should boycott those who are hurting our nation in our view. You have to stand for something.

Equally strongly and tenaciously Conservatives should resist the tendency to give in to the businesses, Federal Government, and groups who use the boycott technique against them, against their state or town. There are important elements of life and society in play here: courage; morality; true, traditional values; the survival of religious freedom; and one's own dignity and that of your state and Conservative party to have core values and hold on to them.

Society and the marketplace will shake it all out. Conservative and Christian oriented business will accept incentives and move to your town or state. If your town is liberal and your county is more conservative, lure the business to your county and to hell with your nearest town.Standing up to economic pressure, making your local and state leaders do so, and luring like minded companies and organizations to your area will all help define this nation. Region will mean something again. We won't all be trying to be one thing. We won't all be gray , and America will have color and flavor again.

If this leads to regionalism and sectionalism, so be it. If it leads to regional autonomy, so be it as well. Only liberals are trying to make us all the same. We Conservatives are willing to leave them alone if we are left alone. They won't leave us alone. Maybe someday, having local, state, and regional backbone now will have strengthen the nation; or maybe it will divide it. Either would be good for traditional Americans, for theirs would be the strong part after any sort of split. Perhaps it would be good for progressives as well. They would have their own little utopian dictatorial slum.

Friday, April 8, 2016

CAIR Leader Arrested in Major Child Sex Trafficking Ring Bust

CAIR Leader Arrested in Major Child Sex Trafficking Ring Bust: reports that more than 100 people, including the Orlando leader of the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), were arrested in a two-county Florida sex-sting operation, many of whom were allegedly trying to have sex with children.

Teen suspect faces murder charge in Austin student's killing

Teen suspect faces murder charge in Austin student's killing: AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A homeless 17-year-old has been arrested and will be charged with murder F

Officials: Texas student's killing on campus 'horrifying'

Officials: Texas student's killing on campus 'horrifying': AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A first-year University of Texas dance student whose body was found near t

How Catholics Can Save Our Dying Civilization - Crisis Magazine

How Catholics Can Save Our Dying Civilization - Crisis Magazine: In a recent address, Archbishop Chaput articulated how much we depend on the residual religious capital of earlier times, but once the capital is spent, “we may not like the results, because the more we delete God from our public life and our private behavior, the more we remove the moral vocabulary that gives our …

Catholic Social Teaching: It's Time to End the Misrepresentations - Crisis Magazine

Catholic Social Teaching: It's Time to End the Misrepresentations - Crisis Magazine: Imagine someone appealing to Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, to justify the activities of gangs in Los Angeles. Why not?  Lord Baden-Powell wanted boys to do risky things, and what’s more dangerous than running guns or smuggling cocaine or fighting another gang in a shooting spree?  He enjoined upon the Scouts a stern …

Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Crusades: A Response to Islamic Jihad - Crisis Magazine

The only thing wrong with the Crusades is that they stopped before the work was done.

The Crusades: A Response to Islamic Jihad - Crisis Magazine: Following 9/11, there was renewed interest in the Crusades as explanations were sought for the brutal attacks. As terrorist attacks have continued throughout the years, and now with the rise of the Islamic State, this interest in the Crusades has not abated. Unfortunately, increased interest has not necessarily translated into increased knowledge. Prof. Thomas F. …

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Time is Now, for We Must Think of Damage Control

I've observed this primary race with greater interest than in the past. More than ever is on the line during our current era.  Concerning freedom of the individual and family, even of country, the world is sliding back into a dark age that will be worse than the age of monarchies and empires. The technology of our times will make the ruling classes ever so more powerful.  And make no mistake, socialist followers, there will still be ruling classes . . . there will always be ruling classes. The new era simply promises their greater brutality and tighter control.

I have been accused of siding with one candidate or the other, but I do not have a favorite person in the fight. My many favorite leader types and analyst either did not run or were weeded out early on. That has nothing to do with ability; they were all top drawer. The electorate isn't. The electorate, even in the Republican primaries where they think so highly of themselves, isn't.

What I have not cared about is Trump or Cruz's past. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone currently has some belief that I don't agree with, everyone changes (often for the better), and everyone has played the game in their chosen field or career. So i do not care about Trumps bankruptcies or Cruz's erroneous Senate votes.

WHAT I DO CARE ABOUT   is defeating the liberal communist leaning candidates of the other party; and clarifying Trump's positions on issues; and clarifying his level of knowledge; and getting enough votes for Cruz to put this decision into the party convention where it can be sorted out properly; and finding out who the real Trump is (because the personality we are seeing is unacceptable); and Cruz's answers to some of the accusations about his idea of more central government control.

But most of all we need to know who the real Trump is and he needs to show the dignified man if one is in there somewhere. We need a quality candidate now, and we need to start to present him or her to the general public. America needs to be "rebuilt" not just made great again.

Saturday, April 2, 2016


We must defeat the left and take control of America. The threats are so great from radical Islamists and other threats. We must choose wisely.

I have not taken a solid stand for either Cruz or Trump, though I have leaned one way or the other from time to time, based upon logic. The bottom line is, like it or not, that in the general election campaign, CRUZ will have the background and demeanor to handle Clinton. In the debates he will clean her clock. He has argued more than once before the Supreme Court of the United States. Few senators and congressmen have and probably no president ever has. His religious position is pretty clear, and the NAU theories are just that, theories.

TRUMP, on the other hand, will be Clinton's lunch in debates. She, unfortunately, will seem uncharacteristically smart beside Trump. She will seem more levelheaded beside him as well. He may be smart, but verbally he is all over the place, and I do not think that will change.

Serious Americans must start thinking about the future and not their personal cult-like following of one candidate or the other. Because we are going to have to sell our Conservative Candidate to the general electorate, we independents (like me) and Republicans must choose wisely and then pull together. There can be NO 3rd. PARTY!

Failure to choose a presentable, seemingly levelheaded candidate and pulling together behind him or her will result in a leftist government and possible attempts to force more leftist, politically correct culture down our throats. There will be real attempts at serious gun control and possible attempts at gun confiscation. There will be an unscrupulous opening of the flood gates of illegal immigration and there will be much more resettlement of Muslim refugees in America. And there will certainly be more infiltration of radical Islamists into this nation. Sanity, fairness, and logic must reign here after the next election. More leftist domination will lead to tyranny or increased disunity and unrest. The history beyond that point is almost unimaginable in the modern era.

Future posts will comment on some of the forces driving these things.