Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Whole Gay Rights Versus Gay Restrictions is a Political Game

The crisis concerning the issue of homosexuals not getting treated fairly by businesses is another political correct battle being fought to level our culture and remove our values. Liberal, progressive leftists do not want America or the world to have values. This is a war, a cultural struggle.

Does anyone really believe that business care if they are serving a homosexual customer or client? If a transgendered person has had a sex change or is well costumed, will anyone know that he or she are not what they were born as in the privacy of their own bathroom stall. Bisexuals of course are another issue.

The point is that this is the Confederate flag all over again. The left wants you to conform. North Carolina and other states will cave in on the issue and repeal their laws because they have no backbone in the face of boycotts. Probably, if they were patient, conservative companies will bring business their way. Beretta moved to Tennessee from Maryland to escape that liberal state.

There are two separate battles in this present campaign in the culture war. The bathroom is generally a false issue, and people, in most cases should go to the bathroom of their obvious birth gender. Perhaps a third bathroom needs to be available for adults who are transgendered in the more fluid bisexual way. That should only require a few extra bathrooms in public buildings, in spite of the attempt to convince us that this is more broadly normal.

Secondly, a homosexual or otherwise gender 'different' person need not go into a business and announce, "I'm gay; now serve me." [that didn't come out right, but you get the idea.]

Business owners do not care until your demand affects the practice of their religious faith life. So a bakery might not mind making a cake, even a wedding cake. He or she might rather not know he is making it for a homosexual marriage. Don't tell him. If the cake has homsexually suggestive art, such as two men or two women kissing, that would offend his religious beliefs and sensitivities. Find a gay baker or one who doesn't mind. Christians have no problem in their business life in serving a client or customer who might be homosexual. They just do not want to serve the homosexuallity. They don't want to photograph the happy couple being affectionate or in the wedding, or serve the wedding, or bake 'that' cake. Their religious beliefs come first in their lives and they should.

Of course ministers of churches cannot be forced legally to marry anyone within the boundaries of their faith that they do not deem eligible or worthy in  religious sense. That is non-negotiable.

But as to the business world, no one is telling anyone that they will not serve homosexuals. They are saying o those gay customers: Do not come into my business and demand that my company meet your demands in a blatant act, such as a gay wedding, that is offensive to my religious faith.

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