Saturday, April 2, 2016


We must defeat the left and take control of America. The threats are so great from radical Islamists and other threats. We must choose wisely.

I have not taken a solid stand for either Cruz or Trump, though I have leaned one way or the other from time to time, based upon logic. The bottom line is, like it or not, that in the general election campaign, CRUZ will have the background and demeanor to handle Clinton. In the debates he will clean her clock. He has argued more than once before the Supreme Court of the United States. Few senators and congressmen have and probably no president ever has. His religious position is pretty clear, and the NAU theories are just that, theories.

TRUMP, on the other hand, will be Clinton's lunch in debates. She, unfortunately, will seem uncharacteristically smart beside Trump. She will seem more levelheaded beside him as well. He may be smart, but verbally he is all over the place, and I do not think that will change.

Serious Americans must start thinking about the future and not their personal cult-like following of one candidate or the other. Because we are going to have to sell our Conservative Candidate to the general electorate, we independents (like me) and Republicans must choose wisely and then pull together. There can be NO 3rd. PARTY!

Failure to choose a presentable, seemingly levelheaded candidate and pulling together behind him or her will result in a leftist government and possible attempts to force more leftist, politically correct culture down our throats. There will be real attempts at serious gun control and possible attempts at gun confiscation. There will be an unscrupulous opening of the flood gates of illegal immigration and there will be much more resettlement of Muslim refugees in America. And there will certainly be more infiltration of radical Islamists into this nation. Sanity, fairness, and logic must reign here after the next election. More leftist domination will lead to tyranny or increased disunity and unrest. The history beyond that point is almost unimaginable in the modern era.

Future posts will comment on some of the forces driving these things.

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